Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Oh what is there to do here? drink legally!

Well I am not saying that drinking is the only form of recreation, but it sure is fun!  The great thing about the school here is that they actually condone it!  Welcome to O-week everybody!  Ok, enough of the exclamations, let's get to the point, (tehehe pardon my pun)  I live in this great little place called Orchard Park, which seems to be where everyone awesome ends up, and then any leftover Asians get thrown in here too.  So of course the lovely people in charge have arranged a nice meet-and-greet.  What this actually means is that we get to go on a scavenger hunt across the city in crazy outfits and then end up in a bar.  Our team wore togas and did a damn good job!  This lovely scavenger hunt included singing outside stores for money, fitting 9 people into a telephone both, and climbing onto any object in sight (yes this includes human beings)!

So this was quite the fun night, but the next night the University pulled out all the stops.  That's right they let the other residence halls be graced with our presence!  No more togas though, this time we had to dress up with something that started with the same letter as where we live.  Confusing, right?  (No worries, I didn't understand either at first, so let me lead by example...)
I live in Orchard Park, so I had to dress up as something that started with an O or a P.  Now just in case you have gotten a bit bored with my rhetoric, We get to play a game, called guess what on earth these people are wearing!!

Above to the left we have Pippi Longstocking.  Perhaps you were thinking prostitute?  It's ok we all were.  We then move on the the pirates, how original!  Now we have two wild cards in the next picture.  On the right, is the lovely indian princess Pocahontas.  Which is interesting because Michelle is actually a native Canadian and her mom is a Cheif!  Now on the left we have a pink octopus, no comment... And finally, last but not least, perhaps you are wondering what on earth I might be.  I honestly hope not because I was really proud of my idea.  Coolest peacock ever? I would hope so!!

Now, if you have a chance, run to the store and buy some Nutella because it tastes good on everything!!  And if, by the grace of God, you can find this movie, buy it!  It is called Boy and was made right here in New Zealand.  SUCHHH A GOOD MOVIE!  My fingers have begun to go numb, so I am off to work on the massive pile of homework that I would rather ignore.  But you know me, I always come out on top! much love everybody, peace out from the opposite side of the world!

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