Thursday, April 21, 2011

Hello from your adrenaline junkie!

It barely feels like I've been gone a week and yet I have done so much!!  We arrived at Franz Josef and climbed a glacier and went on a road trip from there to Queenstown with Ben where we then jumped off a cliff!  Our day at Franz Josef turned out to be a beautiful day, not too cold or windy.  After a hike through rainforest and across rocks, we finally made it to the base of the glacier.  We were only able to climb up a few hundred meters, but it was the coolest experience being able to walk past walls of ice!  The drive the next day took 6 hours but it actualy went by too fast because the scenery was just incredible.  Ben rented a car to come up from Dunedin so we got to cancel our bus and do a mini-road trip instead!  As soon as you got bored with one scene, it completely changed on you as we started among snow capped glaciers, transferred into mountain country, then autumn colors started showing up and finally lake country.  We were driving past huge blue lakes for almost an hour straight! We stopped by lake Wanaka for lunch and I was happy laying by the side of the shore for the rest of my life!  It's funny becasue the best parts of our trip have been the random things that happen.  Such as taking a walk down a path at night with a flashlight and discovering glow worms, or stopping to take a picture of the beautiful scenery and ending up getting attacked by sandfleas and having to vaccuum them out of the car.  We arrived in Queenstown late afternoon and walked around the town adn ate at this famous restaurant called Fergburgers!  Elizabeth and I split a Bacon and pineapple burger, and I was full for almost two days!  Now, let's get to the point: I jumped off 109 meter cliff and freefell for 60 meters, TWICE!  The first time, Elizabeth and I jumped tandem, and then we each got to do it by ourselves.  Only this time, we went backwards!!!!  There's video proof :)  Anyways, I am out of internet credit, but on facebook I just uploaded about 30 pictures! Go check them out :)  I will get back on later tongiht to upload the pics, love you all!! and I'm buying souveniors ;)

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