Monday, April 11, 2011

planning is almost finished!

It's hard to believe that in less than a week I will be traveling throughout New Zealand and Australia.  We have officially booked our flights, bus trips and hostels and I cannot wait for what is about to come!  With everything from glaciers and rain forests to barrier reefs and cliff swings, I'm going to do more in two weeks than I could have ever expected to do in a lifetime!  I went to the doctor yesterday for this killer sinus infection so hopefully it will all be cleared up before we hit the road.  Everything is coming together so easily and hopefully nothing goes wrong, but that would just keep things interesting. ;) I only have one essay to write before Friday and then on Saturday morning we are off to Auckland to catch a flight!  I promise to stay in touch.  Most of the hostels have free internet but I don't think I am going to bring my computer.  I promise to update this often and call through skype, sorry if I call at odd hours on accident, but just remember that I love you and you love me ;)

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