Monday, May 16, 2011

Hello from the capital of RAIN.

The weather outlook is bleak without a hint of sun in the near future.   I have taken this to my advantage and gotten some work done, but I really miss my sunshine.  I think it might actually be an addiction.  But that means good news for you lucky Americans.  A postcard from me is in your near future, hopefully.  If you happen to get an Australian postcard postmarked from New Zealand, just go with it, ok?  :)  Anywhoooo I spent Sunday in Taupo with Elizabeth, but the cold and rain actually won in the end because I failed when it came to bungee jumping.  But it's still on my to-do list, no worries!  I have some great pictures of waterfalls, etc.  I also have some great pics that Liz took while we were in Mount Maunganui the week before we left. So, enjoy, and look forward to a phone call :) xoxo oh and pics from our random trip to Raglan beach to top it all off! WHOOHOOO
good ole' Jess and chocolate :)

the great drive through the mountains :)

This is the beginning of the self titled album: Megan tried to surf

Our friend steph (also the chauffeur) 

almost riding a wave! That counts right?

This picture reminds me of a movie poster, so epic!

The trip to Taupo begins!

Huka falls, the start of the Waikato river :)

This is at Aratiatia rapids, which begins the many hydro stations along the Waikato river and supplies 16% of New Zealands energy in conjunction with the other power stations along the river.

This is from the natural steam that rises out of the Taupo region and is then harnessed by giant geothermal power stations.

More Huka falls pics :)

MacDonalds here is fancy :)  and they have a different section purely for "McCafe" 

Yes, people thought I was weird, stalking McDonalds.

Back to the subject of geothermal activity.  Natural hot springs run right along the very cold water at the shore of lake Taupo (the largest lake in the southern hemisphere)

just bury your feet into the dirt, and it starts to get warmer.

IF the weather was nicer, you would see me here upside down, possibly bungee-ing :)

but instead, you can just enjoy the view with me :)

The water is much MUCH bluer at the mouth of the Waikato river, but by the time it gets to Hamilton, its a brown color from all the farm run off :(

andddd let's take a trip back in time to Mount Maunganui!

Now, of course we didn't plan on hiking another mountain in our flip flops, but that seems to happen quite often at this point :)
Paragliders must hike all the way up with their giant packs in order to jump off the top and fly down to the beautiful city on the beach.

At the top of Mount Maunganui with the city in the background :)

I like to think I'm funny and creative :p

Well, this about sums it all up.  Enjoy your day folks! xoxo <3

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