Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Photos from the deep sea :)

 I almost drowned for you to relive my moments, so gargle some salt water, throw on your flippers and enjoy!
these are all from the underwater digital camera which Chris, Elizabeth and I rented.  Although we had to wear wetsuits, the water was surprising warm :)

we had to stay near the guide during scuba, but had more than enough time to goof around while 10 meters down.

the coral was beautiful and the fish were everywhere.  These guys were about the size of a hand!

We found this guy down by the anchor and he was at least the size of my head!  These pictures don't do justice to the brightness of their skin.

Like I said, these pictures will never do justice to the colors that exist in these waters!

MOst of these pictures are actually from when we got the scuba gear off and got to snorkel around the reef on our own.  I got really good at holding my breath and swimming down deep.  Above me is actually a sideways picture of a crevice in the rock.

So I had to get a picture in it :)

Sadly, I had given up against the waves and gone back inside just in time to miss this, but Chris had a great time swimming out with the sea turtle!

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