Wednesday, June 22, 2011


The rain is coming down at a 45 degree angle with enough power and might to blow the house down, the big bad wolf should take notes.  I am officially done with school and exams and oh by golly was that a tough two weeks.  People have started leaving and its strange saying goodbye to people you may never see again.  Declan and I are renting a car and leaving at 3:30 Tuesday morning for the Auckland airport, as long as the ash cloud doesn't get any worse and I don't get arrested during the weekend I have ahead of me.  I was able to sell my Chemistry book back and I plan on going for one final hurrah in New Zealand. I'm going to let them send me off kicking and screaming if that's how it must happen.  I have met the greatest people in the world over the last four months.  Declan, Renee, Louise and Sabrina have been the greatest flatmates.  I know they aren't my original flatmates, but I consider this house home and am probably here more often than in Orchard Park.  They say once you buy toilet paper and dish soap, then you are pretty much living here so I'll go with it :)
   My weekend up in Paihia at the Bay of Islands was very relaxing and the sun even stopped in for a visit!  Elizabeth and I went for a killer hike and out in the bay we got to see dolphins and the elusive penguins.  The winds were so bad beyond the bay that we couldn't make it out to the hole in the rock, but with 2-3 meter swells, I wouldn't want to risk it.  Plus that just gave us more time to watch the dolphins hijack our current and goof off in the wake.  I probably should have spent more time studying for Chemistry, but by that point I think I had decided it was a lost cause.  Enjoy the photos!  I will be home in less than a week and up at the lake surrounded by a loving family quicker than I can believe, and I've never been more excited!  I love you all very much, enjoy :)

Joe, the giant mutt from next door that likes to come stink up the front porch :)

Our first morning in Pahia, the sun was still rising at 9 in the morning

The view from our boat, "The dolphin Seeker," a boat that sticks by its name!

We found them at feeding time, and there must have been about 20 in total swimming around the bay looking for fish.

This is on the island of Russell, where we had a small hike and fancy Thai for lunch :)

As you might have noticed, I've gotten pretty good at climbing things :)

This is at the top of the mountain we hiked!  My legs were sore for two or three days from this.

The sun came out to play, we couldn't have been luckier!

Declan cooked me dinner when I got back :)  Banana pancakes and melted chocolate with toffee on top!  That''s a heart attack I would accept with open arms. YUMMMMM

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

getting in touch with my country roots

I was watching 30 Rock the other day, and they were in the south looking for a new comedian.  Well well well, during the show they were watching the news from their "backcountry hotel" and the guy referenced Gaffney!  How funny?  Well it only gets better.  Tonight I was watching the Simpsons and Homer kept challenging people to duels.  So being me, I mentioned that in Charleston they used to duel out in the alleys.  Funny I mention that, because the southern gentleman that finally accepted the duel happened to have a bumper sticker that read (and I kid you not): "Charleston dueling society."  hahahaha  Anyways, I'm now warming my hands over the stove and listening to good old country.  I mean....studying?  One test down, one test in the morning and then I have a week break! WHOOHOOOO!!!  wish me luck people :) I get to go to Bay of Islands on Friday! Finallllllly! well, procrastination at its best, back to study time.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


ahhhhhh. life is back in place, still trying to keep up with it, but at least I've caught hold of the coat tails. With exams starting in less than a week I have started to manage my time accordingly.  But not without a little exploration.  It's about time I became aware of the beautiful city in which I currently reside.  It's actually not a bad place at all :)  Also, I bought a book at a lovely second hand store and have been reading that occasionally which can always put me in a good place.  It feels good to have some reading to do because I enjoy it and not because I'm trying to memorize all the information for a test.  R.I.P. Missy my kitty :(  I wouldn't have survived without amazing people by my side, and in a tribute to them here are some candid shots which never should have been released :)  Enjoy, hide any small children, or run away now while you still can.

first week of school at orientation.
trying to stuff five marshmallows in your mouth and say "fluff bunnies"

that would be a "Guinness mustache" :)

oh the things you find behind closed doors!

enjoying the summer weather :)

and trying on things which don;t belong to you :)

and learning to fly :)

and the flatmates which adopted me :) and cooked dinner!

and that face is just priceless ;)
ahhhhhh, school :)

doesn't this just pull at your heart strings? or some might say atrioventricular chordae tendenae ;)

Now, onto some great sights of Hamilton :)

this is the old water tower at the top of the hill over the lake :)

ahhhh, Autumn is turning into Winter

still a tree-climber at heart :)

the ducks in the lake :)

yay, Palm trees!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

well well well

These last two weeks have been a train wreck.  My room is a mess, I haven't been running and even after all the work I put into preparing for my tests, I still didn't feel prepared enough!  But such is life, and now I have a nice two week break before it all starts again, and after that I will be on a plane flight home.  It's hard to believe that it's almost over!  On Friday, I had lost all hope in studying so Declan dragged me out to Mount Maunganui for the night to drink starbucks on the harbor and relax on the beach.  It was exactly what I needed, and it felt great to forget about homework and exams for a day :)

absolutely gorgeous at sunset!

having some fun with sun :)

The view from the end of the island we walked out on :)