Wednesday, June 8, 2011


ahhhhhh. life is back in place, still trying to keep up with it, but at least I've caught hold of the coat tails. With exams starting in less than a week I have started to manage my time accordingly.  But not without a little exploration.  It's about time I became aware of the beautiful city in which I currently reside.  It's actually not a bad place at all :)  Also, I bought a book at a lovely second hand store and have been reading that occasionally which can always put me in a good place.  It feels good to have some reading to do because I enjoy it and not because I'm trying to memorize all the information for a test.  R.I.P. Missy my kitty :(  I wouldn't have survived without amazing people by my side, and in a tribute to them here are some candid shots which never should have been released :)  Enjoy, hide any small children, or run away now while you still can.

first week of school at orientation.
trying to stuff five marshmallows in your mouth and say "fluff bunnies"

that would be a "Guinness mustache" :)

oh the things you find behind closed doors!

enjoying the summer weather :)

and trying on things which don;t belong to you :)

and learning to fly :)

and the flatmates which adopted me :) and cooked dinner!

and that face is just priceless ;)
ahhhhhh, school :)

doesn't this just pull at your heart strings? or some might say atrioventricular chordae tendenae ;)

Now, onto some great sights of Hamilton :)

this is the old water tower at the top of the hill over the lake :)

ahhhh, Autumn is turning into Winter

still a tree-climber at heart :)

the ducks in the lake :)

yay, Palm trees!

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